
Safestainable currently supports clients from around the world to manage strategic and operational risks and to create sustainable business opportunities.

General Consulting

  • Supports Holcim in the development and implementation of company-wide policies and procedures aligned with the VPSHR and providing VPSHR training worldwide
  • Supports OMV in the development and implementation of company wide policies and procedures with the VPSHR and human rights standards
  • Supports First Quantum Minerals in conducting a VPSHR and Canadian child and forced labour law gap analysis in their mining operations in Turkey and  Zambia.
  • Supports OMV Petrom to conduct a VPSHR gap analysis in the aim to join the VPSHR.
  • Supported the Swiss Government with the development of a human rights risk detection system and training standards for private security providers operating out of Switzerland.
  • Supported Novo Nordisk, Syngenta, and Vale in improving operational alignment with human rights standards by creating due diligence processes, setting up an Early Warning System, and conducting field-based human rights, security and stakeholder risk analyses.

Human Rights Training

  • Supports ENI in VPSHR implementation by developing and conducting workshops and training activities worldwide for management and  private and public security forces, including Angola, Pakistan, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and Mexico.
  • Supports OMV in the provision of human rights training for their personnel in Libya, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates
  • Supports Holcim to conduct a security and human rights training with public security forces in Nigeria
  • Supported the Swiss Government with a VPSHR ToT course to ensure their regional consultants can train private security staff worldwide
  • In partnership with DCAF, supported Tullow Oil in Kenya with implementing a multi-part public security human rights training project including a Training of Trainers aligned with human rights standards and reflecting recent private security law changes.
  • In partnership with DCAF supported  the development of a joint private and public security training  in Kenya to be aligned with human rights standards and reflecting recent private security law changes.
  • In partnership with DCAF supports the Mining Police and Child units in DRC to provide VPSHR trainings and child labour trainings, including through the provision of Training of Trainers component.
  • In partnership with Swisspeace conducted business and human rights workshops that were accredited by the University of Basel
  • Supported Alacer Gold, Shell, Conservo, Marathon Oil, and IAMGold in VPSHR implementation by developing and conducting workshops and training activities (including Train the Trainers courses) targeting company security managers and private security providers.
  • Supported British Petroleum in Iraq, Turkey, and Pakistan by conducting VPSHR training activities and integrating human rights standards for private and public security forces into operations.
  • Supported BP in  Oman and Iraq by analysing and addressing social risks and improving community engagement.

Wildlife Sector Consulting

  • Support the WWF Kenya on the review of Siana and Ol Kinyei Conservancies to identify human rights risks associated to communities and review their processes alignment with KWCA SOPs and human rights manual for conservancy managers.
  • Supported the Kenyan Willdlife Conservancy Association to integrate human rights standards in their SOPs and develops a human rights manual focusing on conservancy managers. Plans to conduct practical trainings to wildlife guards on human rights topics.
  • Supported WWF International to review and integrate human rights elements into policies and procedures focusing on Law Enforcement support and setting up a Multi-Stakeholder Initiative focusing on wildlife protection and respect of human rights.
  • Supported Northern Rangeland Trust to review their operations and  align their policies, procedures and trainings to human rights standards.
  • Supported Tullow Oil to conduct a human rights-focused gap analysis of KWS and NRT wildlife operations in national wildlife reserves in Turkana and West-Pokot counties.
Developing Resources to Support Training of Public Security Forces Assigned to Extractives Operations in Kenya, Safestainable & DCAF
  • Safestainable & DCAF - Developing Resources to Support Training of Public Security Forces Assigned to Extractives Operations in Kenya
  • Safestainable & DCAF - Developing Resources to Support Training of Public Security Forces Assigned to Extractives Operations in Kenya

Case Study, Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq, Safestainable, ICRC, & DCAF

  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq
  • Case Study Engagement With Public Security Forces In Rumaila Oil Fields - Iraq

DCAF, Security and Human Rights Implementation Mechanism (SHRIM), Annual Report 2020, Safestainable & DCAF

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DCAF, Security and Human Rights Implementation Mechanism (SHRIM), Annual Report 2021, Safestainable & DCAF

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Training Requirements According To The Federal Act On Private Security Services Provided Abroad, Safestainable & Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

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Acceptance Strategies